In industries related to cargo transportation, rubber conveyor belts are one of the tools that workers often use in the process of improving work efficiency. However, as the use time increases, many rubber conveyor belts will have some serious wear problems. In order to save input costs, many units will hire professional rubber conveyor belt repairers to repair the damage. This article mainly combines the repair effects produced by various repair methods to discuss the importance of cold bonding repair to repair rubber conveyor belts and discusses how the repairer uses this repair method to carry out work in the actual repair process.

In the coal industry, grain transportation industry, cement manufacturing industry, etc., the use of rubber conveyor belts has brought great help for workers to reduce their workload. The traditional method of conveying grain, coal, and ore is roughly human conveying, which seriously endangers the health of the conveyer. With the development of science and technology, rubber conveyor belts began to appear in people’s careers. However, with the traditional conveying method, workers still have a certain rest time, but after adopting the new conveying method, the workers can change shifts to work, and the rubber conveyor belt can’t get a break. Ore and coal will cause different degrees of damage to the rubber conveyor belt during transportation. These series of factors will all cause partial damage to the rubber conveyor belt. Frequent replacement of the conveyor belt will not only lead to an increase in production costs but also a waste of resources. Therefore, it is very important to use repair techniques to repair partially damaged rubber conveyor belts.

1 Common types of damage to rubber conveyor belts and their causes

1.1 Partial abrasion (mainly refers to cover damage)

Conveyor belts are used in a wide range of fields, so the types of damage that occur are also diverse. Partial damage (mainly cover damage) This type of damage mainly occurs on fabric core conveyor belts, steel core conveyor belts, and so on. In the process of conveying goods on the conveyor belt, some of the larger raw materials will be stuck in the transfer area, rollers, and other parts. When there are foreign objects in these parts, it will bring troubles to the conveyor belt when using the conveyor belt.

1.2 Partial crushing (mainly refers to penetration injuries)

As far as the mineral industry is concerned, the function of the conveyor belt is to transport some excavated raw materials and new products. All raw materials cannot be small materials with relatively smooth surfaces. Some of the raw materials have sharp edges and corners and are huge in size. These raw materials may be too heavy in the transportation process, resulting in a huge impact on the interface. If the edges and corners of the raw materials are relatively sharp, the conveyor belt will be easily torn during the conveying process, which will cause the conveyor belt to fail to work normally.

1.3 Damage to the joint of the rubber conveyor belt

Any rubber conveyor belt is not directly produced into an oval shape through the model but has a joint. When manufacturing the conveyor belt, the joint part is usually overlapped by vulcanization technology. If the manufacturer fails to deal with the interface problem when manufacturing the conveyor belt, it is very easy to cause the joint to be damaged or even broken during the use of the conveyor belt.

1.4 Longitudinal cracks of steel core of rubber conveyor belt

The rubber conveyor belt is not entirely composed of rubber. In fact, the rubber only covers the surface of the conveyor belt and has a certain thickness. The steel cord is an important component of the inner core of the conveyor belt. The probability of longitudinal cracks in the steel core is very rare, but the possibility of occurrence is not ruled out. This type of damage is generally caused by workers who do not clean up in time or do not take clean-up work seriously when using conveyor belts.

2 Common conveyor belt damage repair methods and cold bonding repair technology

2.1 Compare different repair methods

The repair methods used in the repair process are roughly divided into four types: hot vulcanization, patch, mechanical joint, and cold bonding. The types of auxiliary machinery used in these four repair methods are different, and the auxiliary work carried out in the subsequent links is also different. When repairing a conveyor belt with a one-meter longitudinal opening on the surface, the time used for thermal vulcanization is about six hours, which produces better results; the time used for patches and the mechanical joint is about two hours, but the resulting effect is not ideal, it belongs to the low-medium; the cold bonding time is the shortest, about one hour, but the repair effect is the same as the hot vulcanization. Comparing the above conditions, it can be found that cold-bonding technology is the best choice for repairing the conveyor belt.

2.2 Cold bonding repair process

The first step is to position the conveyor belt. In the process of positioning, the most important thing is to stop using the conveyor belt, maintain the conveyor belt in a stable state, and place the damaged area in the most conspicuous and easy-to-repair position.

The second step is to deal with the injured part. Practice has shown that the surface damage caused by different types of damage is different, so before starting the repair work, the damaged part should be polished to remove the residue on the conveyor belt of the conveyed material and the loose layer after the conveyor belt is damaged. To make it smooth. As we all know, long-term grinding work will increase the temperature of the grinding tool or the object to be polished. Therefore, pay attention to the reasonable allocation of time in this process.

The third step is to reinforce the conveyor belt. If the surface damage of the conveyor belt is serious, or the opening is too long, it is necessary to reinforce the conveyor belt in time, that is, use thin steel wires to “sew” the conveyor belt in a figure-eight-shaped route to increase the weight it can bear. . This method is mainly used for penetrating injuries of conveyor belts.

The fourth step is to clean the polished parts. After completing the series of tasks described above, cleaning work must be carried out. The significance of this work is mainly to enhance the repair effect of the conveyor belt. The surface of the conveyor belt is generally composed of rubber. After the rubber is polished, some floating powder will be produced. These floating powder will affect the subsequent rubber repair work. Therefore, the cleaning work must be carried out in time.

The fifth step is to dry the polished parts. After cleaning the polished part, the remaining water or some other liquid will hinder the subsequent operation. Therefore, in order to ensure the repair quality of the conveyor belt, the repaired parts must be dried in time. The drying method currently used is mainly the drying method, and the tools used are mainly high-temperature lamps and hot air guns. When drying, be sure to closely observe the color change of the rubber at the dried part, and be careful not to reach the melting point of the rubber.

The sixth step is for professionals to dispense rubber compounds. When distributing a compound, professionals must first analyze the components of the conveyor belt, and then determine the amount of rubber used; in addition, professionals must also make a rough estimate of the amount of rubber used in the repaired part, and then decide the amount of rubber compound glue. This compound glue will cure in a short time, so pay attention to the time used for repair work. There will be differences in the number of various materials used each time the rubber glue is allocated. Therefore, when configuring the compound, try to ensure that the repair work is just completed and there is no remaining.

The seventh step is to apply rubber compound and protect. When applying rubber, pay attention to maintaining the flatness of the surface to avoid the occurrence of one-piece higher or one-piece lower; when applying rubber, in order to prevent leakage of glue, you can use tape paper and other items on the back of the part to be repaired.

The eighth step is curing. After finishing the rubber application, it is necessary to cool the glue to make it conformable and hard. In this process, different types of rubber take different times, so drying technology can be used to speed up this process.

3 Main measures to improve the quality of cold bonding repair of conveyor belts

The quality management measures of cold bonding repair technology mainly focus on four aspects:

First, the materials used in the cold bond repair. Under normal circumstances, cold adhesive repair materials have a strict storage system, such as the temperature cannot be too high, and the sun cannot be seen. If these materials violate these regulations when stored, it will have an impact on the quality of repairs. When distributing rubber, the amount of rubber must be appropriate, because this rubber cannot be used twice.

The second is the operator. Workers must undergo intensive training before starting repair work. This training includes both technical aspects and works quality aspects. The worker must first have a correct understanding of the cold-bonding repair technology, and secondly, ensure that the repair work is completed in earnest, not hastily, and the quality and quantity must be maintained.

The third is the cold sticky working environment. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of cold bonding repair work, the staff must not only establish a good work awareness but also pay attention to environmental changes during the repair process. This is because some factors in the environment will also affect the effectiveness of the repair work. After the polishing work is completed, the polishing part needs to be dried. In the case of high air moisture content, the drying work is not easy to carry out, and the moisture in the conveyor belt is not easy to evaporate clean; the viscosity of cold viscose is high, and the worker is in When carrying out gluing work, we must pay attention to the temperature of the working environment at that time. When the temperature is too high, the glue will solidify if the worker has not completed the gluing work. When the temperature is too low, the glue will not solidify easily. In addition, when repairing the conveyor belt, you must ensure that this work is carried out in a dust-free environment. This is because the rubber conveyor belt has high-quality requirements. If the rubber is mixed with dust and other impurities, the repair The use time of the conveyor belt will be reduced.

The fourth is the cold bonding process. Each process has strict requirements when it is implemented, and the cold bonding process is no exception. When using this process to repair the conveyor belt, it must be ensured that the operation is strictly in accordance with the requirements.

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