It’s no secret that the more ideal the conditions livestock are subjected to, especially cows, the healthier and more productive they are. But, while many farmers are already starting to consider investing in improving the conditions of their livestock’s working life, one thing that the majority of them miss out on is the flooring.

Proper livestock matting, in particular those that are made out of rubber, has been shown to help encourage the expression of natural behavior in livestock and improve their welfare.

Scroll down below to learn more about the benefits of using rubber livestock matting.

1. Durable yet soft and comfortable

In many livestock farms, the material of choice is concrete. It’s an easy material to work with, it’s durable, and it’s also very easy to clean. However, it’s not exactly soft, which isn’t ideal for livestock. On the other hand, rubber is. At the same time, it’s arguably just as durable as concrete, especially those specifically made for livestock housing.

By using livestock matting, you give your livestock a durable yet comfortable flooring that greatly improves their well-being. In turn, this makes them more productive.

2. Doubles as an added layer of insulation

Cemented floors aren’t just hard and uncomfortable, but they’re also very cold. This is especially true during the winter. Although this isn’t that big of a deal during the summer, the fact remains that it’s not a comfortable material to lay on. In comparison, rubber livestock matting is more comfortable. At the same time, insulates well against heat and cold.

Livestock matting can also be used for more than just flooring purposes. It can also be used as wall insulation. This way, you’re able to maintain a warm shelter for your livestock, especially during the cold winter months.

3. Minimizes chances of respiratory disease

Traditional livestock matting, especially those used in stables, are very prone to dust and dirt build-up. Rubber matting isn’t. Although dust and dirt can still build up, rubber matting can easily be removed and taken off to be dusted or cleaned outside. At the same time, this kind of livestock matting provides good drainage for urine and water.

The last bit is very important. A dirty and humid born can become a breeding ground for infectious and disease-causing bacteria. But, because livestock is designed to be easier to clean, the livestock is less susceptible to health issues. At the same time, the urine isn’t allowed to remain on the surface and cause respiratory problems in livestock.

4. Anti-fatigue relief

Adding rubber livestock matting can help provide a much-needed layer of cushioning on hard concrete floors. This doesn’t just help make laying down comfortable for livestock. It also helps minimize the pressure that the process of and the actual lying down puts on them, as well as provide relief from fatigue.

5. Increased productivity

The more comfortable your livestock are in their shed, the more productive they are. Cows, for example, sleep very well and wake up more well-rested if they get to sleep on softer floors with better cushioning compared to concrete flooring. This is something that you can achieve by using livestock matting.

When livestock is more comfortable and rested, they are able to produce more goods. In cows, their blood is able to circulate around their bodies and into their udder better. This results in an increase in both the quality and quantity of the milk produced. They also want to move around more because walking on rubber matting feels more natural to them than concrete.

At the same time, cows sleeping on comfortable flooring are able to give birth more often and to healthier offsprings.

Because of this, investing in rubber livestock matting can result in higher profits for farmers.

6. Economical

In terms of time, space, and money, using rubber livestock matting is just very economical.

Unlike other types of livestock matting, rubber matting is very easy to set in place. You don’t even need to use any kind of adhesive. You just lay them there, connect them with each other if necessary, and that’s it. They can also be used in any area you can think of, including areas that are constantly wet.

Because they are very durable, you can expect them to last for years without showing any signs of wear and tear. Then, as already mentioned earlier, they can help improve the productivity of your livestock while making them less susceptible to illness.

Basically, by investing in rubber livestock matting, you help lower your overhead cost and potential losses while increasing your profit.

7. Eco-friendly

Livestock farming is usually seen in a negative light by a lot of environmentalists. However, by switching to eco-friendly alternatives to commonly used products, you can help change this perception. This includes using rubber livestock matting, which is often made out of environmentally-friendly and recycled materials like old rubber tires.


Any farmer who breeds livestock will benefit from investing in rubber livestock matting. It’ll improve the health and conditions of livestock while also positively affecting yields. It’s also a very eco-friendly and affordable solution to many problems facing livestock farmers, including but not limited to, low productivity, injury, and illness, among others.

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