1, Pipe conveyor can be turning in the horizontal and vertical. The maximum horizontal bending angle of 90 degrees. The minimum bending radius is 300 times the diameter of the pipe;

2. After adopting the Pipe conveyor, the reloading room used by the ordinary belt conveyor to change direction and the corresponding organization of the reprinted place can be omitted, and the investment of the equipment can be reduced;

3, Due to the pipe type, roller group structure and the ability of ordinary belt machine is particularly compact;

4, Pipe conveyor can be designed into a large slope angle conveyor;

5. Little pollution to the environment during transportation. The pipe conveyor is a sealed material operation, and can save the cost of constructing a belt conveyor corridor, preventing pollution of the environment during the transportation of materials;

6, Pipe conveyor can protect the transported material from rain or wind.

7, Return belt can also be designed to transport the material;

8, The power consumption is similar to ordinary belt conveyors.

9. It is 50%-70% of the common belt conveyor compared with the common belt conveyor with the same width as the groove.

10、Pipe conveyor especially suitable for large-scale, steep, turning complex terrain layout, with good economical efficiency and practicality, most suitable for use in power plants, ports, and mines with complex geographical location and terrain;

11. Pipe conveyors have very important significance for transporting environmentally polluting materials such as coal, cement, and coke.

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